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Friday, February 16, 2024

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine published this article page no 16 this article was published in december global status of black soil report of food and agricultural organization as per report black soils are mineral soils which have a black surface horizon enriched with organic carbon that is at least 25 cm deep. black colour is a result of accumulation of organic matter originating from numerous dying roots of gramineous vegetation in a process known as melanization. status of black soil - black soils occupy 725 million hectares of the land surface and constitute 5.6 percent of global soils but contain 8.2 percent of the worlds soil organic carbon (soc) stocks. in india it is spread mostly across interior gujarat maharashtra karnataka and madhya pradesh on the deccan lava plateau and the malwa plateau. threats to black soil loss of organic matter through both conversion of natural landscapes to agriculture and by continuing mismanagement of cultivated black soils. competition refresher magazine pdf wind erosion is a particular issue in black soils of former grasslands as the drier climates in these soils are naturally susceptible to high rates of wind erosion. solutions suggested preservation of the natural vegetation cover on black soils under grassland forest and wetland vegetation. adoption of sustainable soil management approaches on cropped black soils competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine

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