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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

drishti ias books

drishti ias books

drishti ias books  * $100,000 invested in the S&P 500 in January, 2000, was worth $84,901.72 in January, 2006. * $100,000 invested in the NASDAQ 100 in January, 2000, declined to $44,370.97 by January, 2006. current affairs monthly magazine free download pdf  * The average recession in the United States decreases major U.S. equity indexes 43%. * The NASDAQ decline from March, 2000 to October, 2002, will require a 461% gain just to get to break even. * Of 16 major national stock markets, drishti ias books   investors from only five would have been guaranteed positive annual returns over every 20 year period during the past century. At best, buy and hold investors have been treading water for the last six years, and by treading water, theyve actually been going backwards since the Consumer Price Index has been going up an average of 2.5% per year.   But to many investors, treading water would have looked like a really good deal current affairs monthly magazine free download pdf.

drishti ias books

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