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Tuesday, July 12, 2022

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription Published this article page no  106 Expansion of NBA: 11 additional members to be added to NBA, including: o 6 ex-officio members dealing with wildlife, forestry research, and Panchayati Raj o 4 representatives from SBBs (on a rotational basis), and o 1 Member-Secretary (must have experience in biodiversity conservation), who will be the chief coordinating officer of the NBA. Changes in Definitions: For example, bio-utilisation has been removed, and bio-survey has been redefined. Concerns regarding Amendments Allowing large companies to evade the requirement for prior approval or sharing the benefits: o Majority of the AYUSH firms are registered under the name of the practising AYUSH doctors and excluding them could exempt their companies as well. o It is difficult to certify whether the raw material used by companies came from the forest areas or cultivated lands. o A company under foreign management but registered in India wouldnt need to seek permission from the NBA to use a specific What is access and benefit-sharing? When an Indian or foreign company or individual accesses biological resources such as medicinal plants and associated knowledge, it has to take prior consent from the national biodiversity board. The board can impose a benefit-sharing fee or royalty or impose conditions so that the company shares the monetary benefit from commercial utilisation of these resources with local people who are conserving biodiversity in the region. 54resource and develop a product from it, and without the NBAs cognisance, any monetary benefits that arise from sale of the product wont reach the local communities pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription buy.

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

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