competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, December 29, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine This article was published in the month of November To address inconsistency in personal laws There is no consistency in how issues like marriage succession etc are treated for people belonging to different communities. Reforms to personal laws have also been inconsistent. o For example multiple amendments have been brought to Hindu personal laws while Muslim law has seen fewer changes. o A secular republic aspires for a common law for all citizens rather than differentiated rules based on religious practices.  shine india monthly magazine telugu Simplification of laws When enacted the code will simplify the complex laws around marriage ceremonies inheritance succession adoptions making them one for all. o The same civil law will then be applicable to all citizens irrespective of their faith. o It will also reduce burden on judiciary due to standardisation of personal laws and enable speedy delivery of justice shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

banking service chronicle magazine

banking service chronicle magazine

banking service chronicle magazine This article was published in October WORLD GREEN CITY AWARD 2022Hyderabad city won the overall World Green City Award 2022 and Living Green for Economic Recovery and Inclusive Growth award.The results are announced by The International Association of Horticulture Producers. 5.5.23. GLYPHOSATEGovernment has restricted use of glyphosate except for Pest Control Operators.About Glyphosate o It is a nonselective herbicide (it will kill most plants) used to clear all kind of weeds from agricultural fields. o It prevents the plants from making certain proteins that are needed for plant growth. o The major consumption is done in orchards and plantation crops banking service chronicle magazine subscription. 

banking service chronicle magazine

Sunday, December 25, 2022

junior science refresher magazine

junior science refresher magazine

junior science refresher magazine This article was published in October IUCN GLOBAL ECOSYSTEM TYPOLOGYIt is hierarchical classification framework for classifying and mapping all Earths ecosystems integrating their functional and compositional features.This allows for help identify ecosystems that are most critical for biodiversity conservation research management and human wellbeing into future.It comprises six hierarchical levels. o Three upper levels classify ecosystems based on their functional characteristics. o Three lower levels of classification distinguish This article was published in October functionally similar ecosystems from one another based on compositional resemblance junior science refresher magazine subscription price. 

junior science refresher magazine

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine Published this article page no 30 these companies provide comprehensive policies that thoroughly protect rv owners.  some of the top rv insurance companies are gilbert rv insurance rv america insurance progressive rv insurance and good sam rv insurance.  each of these companies has numerous options for rv coverage.  rv owners will be able to find the coverage they need with one of these top companies for a reasonable price. gilbert rv insurance offers several options for rv owners.  some of the best things about gilbert are the replacement cost coverage the purchase price coverage and the full timer coverage.  the replacement cost coverage guarantees that the client will receive a new rv of the same model body and size if the original rv is totaled download mahendra current affairs magazine.

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil services students Published this article page no 19 only low intensity traditional pastoral activities should be allowed that too not during the breeding season say the guidelines convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (cms) or bonn conventionit is the only convention under unep which provides a global platform for the conservation and sustainable use of migratory animals and their habitats ( and their migration routes). india is a member of the convention.migratory species threatened with extinction are listed on appendix i of the convention competition success review buy.

Competition success magazine

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Master in current affairs

Master in current affairs

Master in current affairs Published this article page no 43 the countrys gross expenditure in r&d has tripled between 2008 & 2018 driven mainly by government sector and scientific publications have risen placing the country internationally among the top few.   this is as per the r&d statistics and indicators 201920 based on the national s&t survey 2018 brought out by the national science and technology management information system (nstmis) department of science and technology (dst).  the report shows that with the rise in publication the country is globally at the 3rd position on this score as per the nsf database 3rd in the number of ph.d. in science & engineering. the number of researchers per million population has doubled since 2000. s&t based innovative solutions  mahendra current affairs magazine subscription.

Master in current affairs

Saturday, July 16, 2022

competition success review annual subscription

competition success review annual subscription

competition success review annual subscription Published this article page no   88 This step could indirectly decrease interest rates for auto housing and MSME sector due to fiscal room provided by nonmaintenance of CRR on such loans.  This is only for the purpose of computing the CRR for a period of five years from the date of origination of the loan.  Also the leeway is given only on new loans (i.e. incremental credit) in these sectors post specified date 31 January 2020. (Loans before this date under these sectors are not eligible.) Rationale behind relaxing norms for CRR  The primary aim is to revitalise the flow of bank credit to productive sectors having multiplier effects to support overall growth impulses in the economy.  In the light of prevalent liquidity crunch it is being seen as an additional liquidity measure and also to nudge banks to lend more to the needy segments.  Apart from above the RBI expects that the special window will reinforce monetary transmission strengthen regulation and supervision broaden and deepen financial markets and also improve payment and settlement systems. Rationale for External Benchmark for MSME loans  RBI has not been satisfied with the way monetary transmission works as financial institutions tend to not pass on the benefit to the consumer.  The current paradigm for determination of interest loans is based on Marginal Cost of Lending Rate (MCLR) which is determined by the respective bank.  RBI aims to directly link the interest on loans with an external benchmark so that any change can be directly transmitted to the consumer competition success review annual subscription buy.

competition success review annual subscription

Friday, July 15, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher  Published this article page no  42 Fear over reservation & examination Many of the communities who currently benefit from the State quotas may oppose the creation of AIJS. This is because the communities recognised as Other Backward Classes (OBC) by State governments may or may not be classified as OBCs by the Central government. o While AIJS has been pitched as a solution to lack of representation for the marginalised on the Bench many States are already reserving posts for marginalised communities and women. o A national exam risks shutting out those from less privileged backgrounds from being able to enter the judicial services.  Local laws It may end up not taking into account local laws practices and customs which vary widely across States vastly increasing the costs of training for judges selected through the mechanism. Way Forward  There is need to ensure that service is insulated from the influence of both the Central Government and State Government right from the process of appointment to the process of removal. o 116th report of the Law Commission recommends that appointments postings and promotions to the AIJS be made by a proposed National Judicial Service Commission consisting of retired and sitting judges of the Supreme Courts members of the bar and legal academics Junior Science Refresher buy.

Junior Science Refresher

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher Published this article page no  122 Fulfilling dual role: Of harnessing the river water for accelerating socio-economic growth and, Mitigating the miseries of a large population, suffering from the vagaries of floods and droughts. Fulfilling basic human needs: such as Water for Drinking and Industrial use, irrigation for agricultural operations, flood control, hydro power generation, inland navigation etc. National water security: It is also important in the emerging scenarios of Indias water crisis, linked with its growing population as well as climate change. Addressing inter-state conflicts: According to the Act, if the dams of one State fall under the territories of another, then NDSA will perform the role of SDSO, thus eliminating potential causes for inter-State conflicts. Uniform mechanism: Act provides for an institutional mechanism at both Central and State levels to address structural and non-structural measures required for ensuring the safe functioning of dams. Enforcing safety protocols: There are many protocols, including pre and post-monsoon inspections, for ensuring dam safety. However, as of now these protocols are not legally mandated, and the agencies concerned have no powers to enforce them. Conclusion Safety of dam is a matter of great concern to the nation. An unsafe dam constitutes a hazard to human life, flora and fauna, ecology and public and private assets. Therefore, it is necessary to enact a law to provide for proper surveillance, inspection, operation and maintenance of dams of certain parameters in India to ensure their safe functioning. However, given the sentiments expressed by a number of states, the Centre can hold talks with the States to allay their fears and frame rules suitably for legislation junior science refresher buy.

junior science refresher

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription Published this article page no  106 Expansion of NBA: 11 additional members to be added to NBA, including: o 6 ex-officio members dealing with wildlife, forestry research, and Panchayati Raj o 4 representatives from SBBs (on a rotational basis), and o 1 Member-Secretary (must have experience in biodiversity conservation), who will be the chief coordinating officer of the NBA. Changes in Definitions: For example, bio-utilisation has been removed, and bio-survey has been redefined. Concerns regarding Amendments Allowing large companies to evade the requirement for prior approval or sharing the benefits: o Majority of the AYUSH firms are registered under the name of the practising AYUSH doctors and excluding them could exempt their companies as well. o It is difficult to certify whether the raw material used by companies came from the forest areas or cultivated lands. o A company under foreign management but registered in India wouldnt need to seek permission from the NBA to use a specific What is access and benefit-sharing? When an Indian or foreign company or individual accesses biological resources such as medicinal plants and associated knowledge, it has to take prior consent from the national biodiversity board. The board can impose a benefit-sharing fee or royalty or impose conditions so that the company shares the monetary benefit from commercial utilisation of these resources with local people who are conserving biodiversity in the region. 54resource and develop a product from it, and without the NBAs cognisance, any monetary benefits that arise from sale of the product wont reach the local communities pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription buy.

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

Saturday, July 9, 2022

grihalakshmi magazine

grihalakshmi magazine 

grihalakshmi magazine  Published this article page no   139 1. Virus A program that can infect other programs by modifying them to include a possible evolved copy of itself. 2. Worms Disseminated through computer networks unlike viruses computer worms are malicious programs that copy themselves from system to system rather than infiltrating legitimate files. 3. Trojans Trojan or trojan horse is a program that generally impairs the security of a system. Trojans are used to create backdoors (a program that allows outside access into a secure network) on computers belonging to a secure network so that a hacker can have access to the secure network. 4. Hoax An email that warns the user of a certain system that is harming the computer. The message thereafter instructs the user to run a procedure (most often in the form of a download) to correct the harming system. When this program is run it invades the system and deletes an important file. 5. Spyware Invades a computer and as its name implies monitors a users activities without consent. Spywares are usually forwarded through unsuspecting emails with bonafide email i.ds. Spyware continues to infect millions of computers globally. Insta Curious Have you heard of Google Project Zero? Reference  Why did the govt ban more Chinalinked apps? Context The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has banned 54 more apps which have either originated in China or have some Chinese connection.These apps were banned for being a threat to national security grihalakshmi magazine buy. 

grihalakshmi magazine 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Junior Science refresher

Junior Science refresher

Junior Science refresher Published this article page no 149  Undermines representative government In a bid to not attract the provisions of the Tenth Schedule legislators can feel compelled to toe party lines even if that does not represent the will of their constituents. It restricts a legislator from voting in line with his conscience judgement and interests of his electorate. Issues with the current lawNo liability for political parties It only punishes legislators for switching parties. Political parties who are at the heart of the politics have no liability under the law. They benefit from defections and are often accused of enticing legislators of rival parties to switch loyalties.Problem with merger provision It safeguards the members of a political party where the original party merges with another party subject to the condition that at least twothird of the members have agreed to such merger. o The exception is based on the number of members rather than the reason behind the defection.  Power to the presiding officer The presiding officer has been given wide and absolute powers to decide the case related to disqualification of the members on the grounds of defection. However Speaker still remains the member of the party which had nominated himher for the post raising concerns regarding hisher impartiality. International scenario on Anti Defection Law Junior Science refresher buy.

Junior Science refresher

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine 

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  32 BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY Why in news? National Informatics Centre (NIC) has set up the Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Blockchain Technology in Bengaluru Karnataka. More on news  It aims to provide Blockchain as a service and allowing all stakeholders to benefit from shared learning experiences and resources.  It will facilitate the Government Departments in building proof of concepts for use of Blockchain technology in different dimensions of governance leading to large scale deployment of some such applications.  New and previously unforeseen applications of Blockchain in the Government are expected to enhance transparency traceability and trust in egovernance systems. About Blockchain technology  A blockchain is a specific type of data structure which can be used to transact across nodes or participants. The ownership rights are recorded in cryptographically stored and linked blocks which contain records of ownership of assets among the participants that can remain anonymous.  Blockchains are open distributed ledger that can chronologically record transactions between two parties efficiently in near real time.  The prerequisite for each subsequent transaction to be added to the ledger is the respective consensus of the network participants (called nodes) thereby creating a continuous mechanism of control regarding manipulation errors and data quality.  The blockchain technology generally has key characteristics of decentralization persistency anonymity and auditability. With these traits blockchain can greatly save the cost and improve the efficiency Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine 

Monday, May 16, 2022

Science reporter

Science reporter 

Science reporter Published this article page no  45  “Is everything ten dollars?” he asked. “No,” she replied, smiling as if to indicate that more intimate things would rightly cost far more. He took out another ten and handed it to her. As she tucked it, he was unable to resist giving her a little peck on the cheek, breathing, “Lila, tonight money is no object.” “Thank you so much,” she said, “twenty dollars.” “Twenty? For what?” Wagging her finger at him charmingly, she replied, “Kissing my cheek.” “Oh,” he said, “I should have known.” Then, feeling just a tad upset, he reached out and pinched her arm. “How much is that?” “Thirty,” she said. “For pinching you?” “It would usually be only fifteen dollars, because it comes under Innocent Contact. But, since I could get a bruise due to its intensity, it comes with a fifteen-dollar surcharge.” “I see,” he said, and took out his wallet. “Kind of inflationary, isn’t it?” “Isn’t everything?” she asked cannily, and then added, “On my last job, I had to give them away.” “You did?” he replied, wishing he had known her then. “Why?” “I was a stewardess.” “Oh,” he said, with understanding but certain that by now women’s advocacy groups would have overcome such a flagrant incursion into an unsuspecting lady’s space. He paid her for stroking her hair and pinching her arm and decided that for convenience, he would leave his wallet on the table. There didn’t seem to be anybody nearby who would run away with it while he had his eyes on her. “What else do you offer?” he asked with wily charm. “Oh, lots of things,” she said, visibly excited. “Like what?” “Well, intelligent conversation.” “You offer that?” “Yes, a lot of men seem to want it. So we have to take a course in it. Pick any topic – philosophy, politics, literature, finances. I got a Pink Pussycat in finances.” “You did?” “Yes. It’s the highest grade.” “Good for you,” Todd told her. Being a bit of a literary buff himself and eager to dwell on romance, he said, “Let’s talk about Romeo and Juliet.” “Sure,” Lila said, and, looking into the distance, as if reciting from something she had memorized, she went on, “Romeo and Juliet is a play by William Shakespeare. It is based on the timeless theme, ‘The course of true love never runs smooth science reporter magazine buy.

master In current Affairs

master In current Affairs

master In current Affairs Published this article page no  36  I have no idea what my garage does during the winter to get so dirty, but I wish it would stop it, or at least clean up after itself and not cause me so much grief. When the idea of spring-cleaning comes up, I take one gander at the object of the endeavor and try to duck out as quickly as possible. I usually run into my wife standing at the door and realize my goose is cooked, usually to a nice golden burnt. My idea of cleaning the garage is opening the garage door and the back door and let nature take its course. However, when I suggest this, an ill wind blows my way, if you know what I mean. Garage cleaning invariably leads to garage sales. Garage sales are amazing. Instead of donating my worthless junk to the neighborhood dump, I sell it to my neighbors, who will put it in their garage sale next year. This keeps neighborhood junk in circulation for years, and then some antique dealer buys it and starts the whole cycle again in New York City. One man’s junk is another man’s antique. My wife insists cleanliness is next to godliness. If that is so, why did God create so much dirt? God is also in the cleaning business and you can be sure His is the ultimate leaving nothing unclean. The Apostle Paul explains, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost current affaires buy.

master In current Affairs

master In current Affairs

master In current Affairs Published this article page no  37 Every now and then I like to frequent our local liquor store to stock my bar.  Our neighborhood store is nothing special, but has what I need when I need it.  I have never paid a whole lot of attention to the sign as I entered the establishment.  The sign clearly states that not only do they sell beer and wine, they also sell party supplies.  Great.  You never know when a party may break out and having a store with party supplies at your disposal is nothing but a posititve thing. I walked into our neighborhood establishment and strolled through the isles.  My bar was already stocked sufficiently, so alcohol was not on the list for this trip.  Today's trip was for nothing but party supplies. I greeted the man behind the counter with a smile.  "Hello" to him must mean,"please tell me every insignificant detail of yourself" as he proceeded to tell me about his day up to that point.  Thanks.  I care.  This man was nothing but a distraction in my procurement of party supplies.  I strolled through the isles, acknowledged the offer to help me find anything.  I knew what I was looking for, I don't want Mr. Annoying's help.  The store isn't that big, and I think I can find the party supplies I was looking for. A little time passed, and I continued my search for party supplies.  Up and down every isle i looked for things that were necessary for a party (hence the name party supplies.)  After thorough examination of the store three times over, I came to a startling conclusion.  My idea of party supplies may be a little different than theirs.  Here are the "party supplies" i found at the store. Ice.  Yup, ice is needed for parties.  Afterall, its what keeps the beverages cold.  A great party supply indeed.  Unfortunately, this was the only thing we agreed on. Porn.  Racks and racks of all varieties of porn magazines lined one whole wall.  I know some party people will tell you that a party isn't a party without the latest issue of  Greasy Babes.  I tend to disagree.  In my experience, nothing breaks up a party like that one crazy guy with his pants down screamin, "wooooo, I got the latest issue of Swank...its PARTY TIME!!!" Lighters.  Again, not my idea of a party supply.  I gave up the lets burn things party a long time ago and I have think most normal adults have too.  But what I seem to be learning here is that most normal adults are not buying their party supplies from a liquor store. Beef Jerky.  Okay, I don't think I have to really expand on this.  Anyone that EVER brings beef jerky to a party should be lit on fire with the lighter they most likely bought as well.  If you must make a reference to beef jerky being the ultimate compliment to porn, you may do so.  I'm not touching that one. That's it.  That was all I could find that would even come close to being party supplies, no little parasols for drinks, not even a SOLO cup to be found. Needless to say, I was a little disappointed, educated and a little weirded out at the same time.  I like to think of it as the trifecta of human experience current affaires buy.

master In current Affairs

Friday, February 11, 2022

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe Published this article page no 112 In all, the California schools are paying billions of dollars each year for private placements and auxiliary costs. It is creating an inequity for children the civil rights law was passed to protect and a financial crisis for the California schools. I have to admit that I wanted every opportunity possible for my child to live a happy and normal adult life. I had a special needs child and spent many hours sitting in principals offices and at the school board demanding that his needs be met. I was thankful that he received access to the available offerings within the public school system. In my view, however, it is not a question of right or wrong, justified expenditure or not. It is a question of the legislators going back and specifically defining the word “appropriate”.  Until then, the California schools are borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, which means less opportunities all the way around.An Overview of Summer Heat 2006Miami Schools are offering a range of summer professional development courses for its public school teachers and administrators in order to help teachers meet federal requirements and learn new methods and approaches to teaching.   Teachers are eligible to take one Summer Heat course.   These courses will be offered during June and July.   Most courses last about a week and meet from 8:15 AM to 3:15 PM daily banking service chronicle monthly magazine subscription.   

Banking service chronicle

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Drishti current affairs magazine

Drishti current affairs magazine

Drishti current affairs magazine published this article page no 63 this bottled development continues for several years. at a certain point it becomes an irreparable monster. then the vase is broken and one has a man in the shape of a pot. the kyrgyz writer chingiz aitmatov (or aytmatov) (1928 - )  recounts in the day lasts more than one hundred years (1980) the legend of the ana-beiit cemetery and the zombies known as mankurts. according to tradition the nomad zhuanzhuan shaved the heads of the younger and more fit prisoners of war and wrapped their skulls in raw camel hide.  the prisoners were then left to shrivel in the deserts scorching sun without food or water. as the caps shrank around their heads they perished in terrible agony. the survivors completely lost their memory. their subsequent submissiveness and loyalty made them ten times more valuable than a regular slave and three times as precious as a free man (in terms of pecuniary damages when accidentally killed) Drishti current affairs magazine buy.

Drishti current affairs magazine

Drishti current affairs magazine

Drishti current affairs magazine

Drishti current affairs magazine published this article page no 62 humans made monsters by inhuman treatment abound in literature. in the man who laughs published in 1869 the french author victor hugo (1802-1885) described the comprachicos thus the comprachicos (child buyers) were strange and hideous nomads in the 17th century. they made children into sideshow freaks. to succeed in producing a freak one must get hold of him early a dwarf must be started when he is small. they stunted growth they mangled features. it was an art/science of inverted orthopedics. where nature had put a straight glance this art put a squint. where nature had put harmony they put deformity and imperfection. the child was not aware of the mutilation he had suffered. this horrible surgery left traces on his face not in his mind. during the operation the little patient was unconscious by means of a stupefying magic powder. in china since time immemorial they have achieved refinement in a special art and industry the molding of living man. one takes a child two or three years old and puts them into a grotesquely shaped porcelain vase. it is without cover or bottom so the head and feet protrude. in the daytime the vase is upright at night it is laid down so the child can sleep. thus the child slowly fills the contours of the vase with compressed flesh and twisted bones Drishti current affairs magazine buy.

Drishti current affairs magazine